Competitive Divisions (Majors, AAA, AA) Evaluations complete, team selections by February 14th. Developmental Divisions (Tball, Coach Pitch, Rookie) Email from team manager in mid-late February. Parent Volunteers Neede...
New umpires are required to attend an umpire mechanics clinic to receive game assignments. Registration is required!
For those that couldn't attend evaluations on 1/11-please attend the make-up day on 1/15/25!
Evaluations are happening on January 11, 2025. Groupings are by Division and your players Little League Age (actual age on August 31, 2025)
Hello Parents,We are excited to announce that registration for the upcoming DMLL 2025 is open.
2024 Fall Program Registration Opens August 5
Congratulations to former DMLL player, Izzie Dieter, on being named the Trailblazer Series Develops MVP Article link: IG link:https: //www.instagram....
128 12th Street Del Mar, California 92014
Email: [email protected]