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2025 Spring Registration

2025 Spring

New Families

If you’re new to the league, please create an account before registering your player. Once your account is set up, you can enter basic information for each player you wish to register. Before you start, have a digital copy of your child’s birth certificate or a copy of their passport with their date of birth. For proof of residency, provide up to 3 forms of documentation (i.e., driver's license, utility bill, homeowners insurance, etc.). If your child is over 7 and you are using school for eligibility a signed form by the school will be needed. If your child is under eight all that is required is a copy of their birth certificate along with the medical release form completed and our Concussion and Cardiac Arrest form ready in JPG or PDF to be uploaded to our system. Links to forms are within the registration form once you start and if you scroll farther down on our registration tab.

Returning Families

Welcome back! Most of your information is saved in our system, but some items, like your medical release form and CCA form we need annually, and if you didn't provide a copy of their Birth Certificate before it will need to be uploaded to get past the first screen of registration. For eligibility, we will need either; proof of residency, by providing up to three forms of documentation (i.e. driver's license, utility bill, Homeowners insurance, etc.), OR proof of school, by having a signed form completed by your school.

Player's Little League Age is based on the player’s age as of August 31, 2025.

Below is a quick description of our Divisions. More detailed descriptions are in our FAQs. Please be aware for many players there will be more than divisions they can participate in. If you are uncertain you have picked the right division, you can stop, and start again at the player prompt s by selecting a different division. Then later go back and remove the wrong division you had started on from your shopping cart.

Developmental Divisions:

T-Ball – For 5 and 6-year-olds. Majority of players in Preschool and/or new to baseball. Players must be 5 years old before August 31, 2025 to be eligible. 

Coach Pitch – For 6 and 7-year-olds. No 5-year-olds will be placed into Coach Pitch.

Rookie (Machine Pitch) – For 7 and 8-year-olds wanting to play in Rookie and/or not drafted to an AA team due to lack of spots. No 6-year-olds will be placed in Rookie.

Competitive Divisions:

Players will participate in evaluations and be drafted onto teams in these divisions. The majority of players will participate in the division they register for, but depending on the number of spots available in each division, some players may be placed in a higher or lower division than requested.

AA Division – For 9 and 10-year-olds not already placed in AAA or Majors, and any 8-year-olds registered for possibly AA and get drafted (spots are limited). No 7-year-olds will be placed in AA.

AAA Division – For 11-year-olds not assigned to a Majors team, the majority of our 10-year-olds, and very few of the highest level 9-year-olds registered and were drafted to AAA.

Majors Division – All 12-year-olds (unless a parent requests a waiver down to AAA), approximately half of our 11-year-olds, and a very few of the highest-level 10-year-olds.

Intermediate Division – All 13-year-olds.

Juniors Division – All 14-year-olds.

Tee Ball - Little League Baseball

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Coach Pitch - Little League Baseball

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Rookie - Machine Pitch - Little League Baseball

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AA - Player Pitch - Little League Baseball

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AAA Minor - Player Pitch - Little League Baseball

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Major - Little League Baseball

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Intermediate (50/70) - Little League Baseball

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Junior - Little League Baseball

Show Details

Forms, Problems, Things to Check

Forms you may need to complete to complete your registration
Below are links to the two forms we require as part of registration and the School Enrollment Form that some families need

Having the forms ready before trying to complete the process s a great idea since filled-out PDFs or JPGs will be needed to finish your player's registration These are the same forms provided as part of the registration process. When you get there in the registration, there is no need to download them again.

The Medical Release form is for the Manager to have it as a last resort to provide medical personnel if a family member isn't immediately available. It does not need to be signed by a doctor. Requiring it as part of registration will help us ensure every team has access to their team and our board has it for other events.
The Concussion information sheet is because of California Assembly Bill 2007 (2016), which requires leagues to provide the form to all families and for families to acknowledge they have read the informaton by signing the bootm of the form
On the School Enrollment Form if not already filled in our League ID# is 9343. This form is not needed for players under the age of Little League 8 regardless of where their family currently resides and is not required by families residing within our league boundaries. 

Need Help?
Sorry to hear you are having issues with getting your player registered. We want every player that wants to PLAY. Below are some suggestion used by other families to finish the process. If none of them work please let us know. If you figured out a path or want to share how you succeeded feel free to email the league at [email protected] or [email protected].  We are a volunteer organization, we count on everyone to help us make the season a success.

What do I do if I have forgotten my password?

Keep trying, in most situations you will get a prompt asking for your email address, which will generate an email to you with your username and a reset password link.  From here, you will be taken to the site where you will be able to reset your password.  If you do not receive your email reminder, make sure to check your spam/junk email folder.

I'm having trouble finishing my players registration. I can't get pass the first screen.
Chances are still need to add your players birth certificate or one of the prompts on the players profile before you can get into the order.
The system won't continue until a jpg or PDF has been uploaded to our system.  We will take a passport if you can't find the certificate.

I'm having trouble with registration (I get an error message or the page won't load). What should I do?
Chances are you need to clear out the cache in your internet browser. This can be done by holding down the CTRL button and hitting F5. Once the system has completed this, you will most likely need to log back in to the website. If you were in the middle of a registration, you will be able to get the registration in your shopping cart (by clicking Go to Cart underneath the shopping cart picture) and pick up where you left off.

The Checkout screen won't accept my credit card. Why?
For several families they determined it was due to firewall or previous try with the wrong information. If clearning out your cache didn't work and none of the steps below try completing the order from your home computer or another system you have had success entering payments on.

Check again to see if all required information matches your credit card correctly (i.e. name, address, number, expiration date, etc.). Note: The name on your account must match the name that is tied with the credit card in your billing address as it appears in your credit card statement. Even something as simple as "street" instead of "st" will cause the system to reject your card.

  1. Check to make sure you have entered in your billing address as it appears in your credit card statement. Something as simple as "street" instead of "st" could be the reason the system rejected your card.
  2. If your security code is 000, try entering 001 instead.
  3. Try a different device, sometimes there are autofill fields that have not been cleared out or are unknownily preventing you from putting in the needed info.
  4. Sometimes it is the card, if you are trying to it with  American Express, try MasterCard or Visa.

The site says there are no available programs for my child - what do I do now?
This can mean that registration has not opened, has closed or that your son/daughter is not eligible to participate based on birth date. Sometimes this happens because you have your player as the primary account or you have used the wrong birthdate (possibly your own) You can check this by clicking on My Account in the upper right hand corner of the page to ensure you are starting with you as the primary account holder and then clicking on Edit Player Info next to your child's name. Please make sure your child's birth date is correct.

When creating a new account, I get a message saying my e-mail address is already in use. What should I do?
This means you have already created a Sports Connect account. Click the option to Email me my account info and an email will be sent to you containing the username, password, and URL associated with your existing account. If you do not receive this email, please check your junk/spam folder.

How can I finish the order I see sitting in my shopping cart?
If there is an incomplete registration in your account, you will see the details of the order in the shopping cart section on your account screen.Click the Shopping Cart button to pick up right where you left off.

Follow the steps through to the checkout screen and make sure you click on the Submit button to complete the registration.

You will be able to tell that the order is complete because you will see an order confirmation screen with all of the details of the completed registration. You will also receive an order confirmation email to the email address you created your account with on the club's website.

Is my order complete?
You can make sure that your order is complete by logging into your account at and clicking on Order History from the My Orders tab.

You can also check your email to see if you received an order confirmation email - this email is like a receipt. Your child is not considered registered until you have received an order confirmation email.

What happens when a Credit Card payment fails?
When a credit card payment fails both the admin and the parent are notified.  If the failed payment occurs on the initial registration checkout, the item will remain in the shopping cart for future payment.  If the failed payment occurs in a payment plan, the installment defaults to a manual payment in which the account holder will need to manually pay on the site.

Failed payments can occur for a variety of reasons:

  1. Invalid Card
  2. Billing Address mismatch
  3. Payment type is not accepted
  4. Insufficient Funds

If a billing address mismatch occurs on multiple payment attempts at checkout, the cardholder's bank will hold payment on the card for risk of fraudulent charges.  The bank will also hold these charges in a pending status on the card until further verified.  Once verified, the pending charges will fall off of the cardholder's account

Before beginning the registration process, please note the following: 
1. Write down your child's age as of August 31, 2025. This is their "Little League Age," which is used to determine the appropriate division for your player. League ages for Spring 2025 are determined by the Little League 2025 Age Chart Age Chart LL News

2. Players may be eligible for more than one division. Please read the division descriptions and select the division you would like to register for.
***IMPORTANT: Other than League Age 12 year olds, who will play Majors division, your player may end up in a different division than for which you registered them, depending on evaluations, space availability per division, and drafts.***

3 . Assessment Dates !!- SAVE THE DATE - For those players wanting to  play in AA, AAA, or Majors, please note that evaluations will occur on January 11. If this date rains out, evaluations will be probably the next weekend on January 18, 2025. 

*Your player must be evaluated to be eligible to be drafted on a AA, AAA, or Majors team.
**Any League Age 8s who wants to be potentially drafted into AA must attend evaluations.
***Any League Age 10s who want to be eligible for the Majors draft must contact the Player Agent: [email protected]

*League Ages 6s who played one year of T-ball will be placed in Coach Pitch.
**League Age 7s who have played one year of Coach Pitch will be placed in Rookie.

4. Practices will begin in February and games will run March 1 - May 31, 2025.

For any questions please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

League Boundaries

Starting with the 2025 season, children at the youngest level of the Little League® Baseball and Softball
program (League Age 4-7) will have the ability to register for any Little League program they choose,
without respect to any geography- or school-related eligibility requirements. Those players who register
under this option will also be fully eligible to participate in all aspects of league play, including
International Tournament play, for the duration of their Little League careers provided they have
continuous and unbroken participation within the specific league where initially registered and provided all
other participation eligibility requirements have been met.

Players league age eight (8) through sixteen (16) participation eligibility is based on residency,
school enrollment or uninterrupted participation since age seven (7) (NEW).

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